In clojure you can have 3 different key types (as far as i have encountered them)

Keyword keys

{ :keyword "value" }

Unevaluated form

{ 'unevaluated "value" }


{ "string" "value" }

As I did not know about string keys I was stuck with ring.middleware.json/wrap-json-response because whenever i tried to

(get { "string" "value" } :string)
(get { "string" "value" } 'string)

It yield no result… And in repl you would see this map represnted as

{ string value }

It does not matther whether you evaluate string key or unevaluated form key

{ 'string value }
{ "string" value }

So that was the reason why it was so confusing

Anyway problem was solved by doing

(get { "string" "value" } "string")

Although I think, maybe it would be better to make keywords from string keys by calling clojure.walk/keywordize-keys

(:string (clojure.walk/keywordize-keys { "string" "value" }))
