One of my dreams was to write a blog. However every time, once I registered on a blogging platform, created a blog and closed it. I’ve never opened it again. I tried starting for like 7 times now. So here I am after 7 years creating a blog which should be about technology, development actually, probably front end development… And I’m writing about Asus. Ahhhh… dear nice Asus, a great company, making great laptops. I really liked it. If you dear reader are interested in it - it was Asus u36sd. I bought one for myself and my gf.

##The story of my Asus u36sd

  • audio jacket cracked
  • battery cracked

Both still kind of worked so its ok And just few weeks before warranty was over HDD died… Anyways they just changed it and it worked well. Bought it for 870 Euros after 4 years sold it for 200 Euros.

##The story of my gf’s Asus

Everything as fine except battery cracking, and that she broke the outer part of the screen.

Well few days ago it happened. She stepped onto her laptop, while charger head was still inside. Result? Screen cracked into half. She was very sad, because it would cost 300euro just to fix the screen.

So here come I.

  • I am an Engineer! - I say. I found video in youtube how to replace screen in Asus, and said:
  • I will find screen on ebay, and replace it myself.

I found it, 50dollars for the screen - cool. Got it in a week and started taking notebook apart. I took the LCD, the process was a bit different than in video, but I managed to do that. Great success. Then I I checked the connectors and OH… One of connectors is different. What??? Why??? Its the same Asus u36sd laptop and I bought Asus u36sd screen… And then I see it… On the screen in the inner part of laptop they wrote model of this Asus. Asus U36JC…

Yep… The computer, the main frame is Asus u36sd… and the screen is u36jc… Why???

So… we now have a pc with no LCD…

Screw asus, apple rules!

P.s. every time I tried to create a blog it was on asus.